Where in the World?
1) John Lennon credited this place with revitalizing his creative energy and completed more than 20 songs during his time here.
2) The official flag incorporates images that depict its history, including a shipwreck.
3) A golfer's paradise; boasting more courses per capita than any country in the world.
4) Home to a glow in the dark worm. Between the months of May and November, on the third night after the full moon, once the sun sets, these fireworms emit an intense glow as part of a mating ritual. It's a spectacular bioluminescent display that many locals and tourists alike gather to see.
5) Each New Year's Eve, at the stroke of midnight, a giant onion decorated with lights and leaves is dropped from the Town Hall. In the late 1800's, this place was famous for growing some of the best onions in the world and exported lots of them. Just 40 years later, exports of this cash crop dropped significantly, but the onion still carries significance here.
6) With miles of coral reefs extending in every direction, just below the surface of the water, this island is the shipwreck capital of the world. To date, more than 300 wrecks have been found.
7) William Shakespeare's, The Tempest, may have been inspired by a letter he read about this island. While it has also been said to be based in the Mediterranean, his imaginary island in the play featured noisy birds, a large population of pigs, and a drink made of cedar berries; a combination that may have only been found here during that time.
8) Almost a quarter of the top 100 worst invasive species in the world live here. During the past few centuries, plant and animal species were imported for a variety of reasons and wreaked havoc on the island's biodiversity, causing many native species to go extinct. The island is now fighting to overcome the destruction of the invasive species, with many lessons having been learned and some victories achieved. - International Union for Conservation of Nature
9) In this island's food culture, codfish for breakfast and spicy ginger bread are common.
We've just learned a few intriguing facts about Bermuda, a British Overseas Territory in the North Atlantic Ocean. While referred to in the singular, it's actually made up of 181 islands, the largest of which is referred to as the Main Island. Did any of these details surprise you?
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Map of Bermuda’s location in the Atlantic Ocean
John Lennon during a sail to Bermuda
One of many shipwrecks surrounding Bermuda.
Art in Bermuda.